LAKE WORTH BEACH — The most talked about home in Lake Worth Beach these days is a shipping container.
Roger Bennett, a former public relations executive for Ford Motor Co., is building a two-bedroom, two-bath residence at 128 North F St. made from the same 40-foot steel boxes used to transport cargo by sea.
Since the project broke ground in May, Bennett said he's given around 60 tours of the home and drawn scores of comments on his Facebook page, where he gives near-daily updates of the construction's progress.
"They're coming all the time," said Bennett, 58. "People are just really curious because it's different. You see it and say, 'OK, that's not typical.'"
Certainly not in Lake Worth Beach. William Waters, director of community sustainability, said Bennett's container home is the first of its kind in the city "but most assuredly will not be the last."
Containers have increased in popularity and gained hipster cred in recent years as an alternative building material, in large part because of affordability.
Bennett estimates that he will spend $230,000 — he paid $52,000 to purchase the land last year — on the 640 square-foot home, which will include a two-car garage and swimming pool.
Barb Lilley, a Lake Worth Beach-based real estate agent, said a similar, but traditionally built home in Bennett's neighborhood — north of Lucerne Avenue and west of U.S. 1 — runs around $325,000.
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Aside from costs, the question Bennett gets the most revolves around aesthetics. Even if the price is right, no one wants to live in something that looks like a shipping container.
"The fact is, it's going to look like a normal house," Bennett said.
While the core of the home will be the container, the outside walls will be covered by stucco and a pitched metal roof will top the structure.
"You won't notice it's a container home when we're done," said Christopher Wise, project director for West Palm Beach-based Legacy Brothers, which is building Bennett's home.
Bennett said he began pursuing the notion of living in a shipping container after taking a tour of a two-story container home built by Legacy Brothers on 45th Street and Pinewood Avenue in Riviera Beach. The first container home in Palm Beach County was reportedly built in Jupiter Farms in 2016.
Bennett owns three cottages next door, but said he intends on moving into the container home when work is complete in June. The 40-foot container — Bennett's home will employ two of them connected side-by-side — is 8-foo-4 wide with a 9-foot-6 ceiling. The open-floor design selected by Bennett will allow him to see from his pool through the house and into the garage.
'It's not super fancy, but it's practical," Bennett said.
It's also hurricane-safe thanks to a series of steel plates embedded with J-hooks that attach and secure the 8,000-pound container to the concrete foundation's rebar. Bennett said he plans to stay at the home with his elderly mother in case of a hurricane.
"It's not going anywhere," Wise points out.
The biggest hurdle in building the home, according to Bennett and Wise, was the city's approval. Bennett said it took nearly six months to get the green light and that the city reacted "as if I was building a chicken coop or something,"
William Waters, the city's sustainability director, said container homes must meet the same requirements of the Florida Building Code and Land Development regulations as would be required of a traditional single-family home.
But Wise said municipalities must still be convinced that containers are "architecturally-sound modules."
Amy Shaw, who lives across the street from Bennett, said she considered a container before buying her cottage and is "vicariously enjoying" her neighbor's project and the "curiosity" it's created. She sees people stopping by to check it out "all of the time."
"They're economical, good for this type of climate and they're energy efficient," said Shaw, an editor for an educational database. "So when he said he was going to get one, I was thrilled. It's going to be very cool."